
Bespoke Clerical Millinery for the Discerning Clergyman

Monday, 27 August 2012

Canons Regular of the Mother of God

Not to be confused with the hat of a Norbertine Canon, having as it does three instead of four blades, here we proudly present the Bireta of les Chanoines Réguliers de la Mère de Dieu, a relatively new order, founded in 1997. A curt 'not so you'd notice' has emanated from behind the pages of the Racing Post, though if this link is anything to go by Mother Prioress may have a point: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR2y8S7gPsE . We don't presume to know our readership completely, but we rather suspect that you'll probably like a bit of That Sort of Thing.