…being the national anthem of the homeland to the recipient of this, even if we do say so ourselves, splendid example of craftsmanship. Made on the 4th January 2012, but kept from your screens so as not to spoil the surprise, as it is a birthday present for a Norwegian Rector from east London. If you’re reading this Father, many happy returns from all the good sisters of DB Towers, ourselves also naturally, and the customary tight lipped salutations of the day from Mother Prioress.
The creation of this piece, and the dramatic weather at the time of writing, cast something of a Nordic air about the convent. Sister Brunhilde was apprehended skateboarding around the cloister with this four horned helmet at a rakish angle atop her head whilst playing Ride of the Valkyries on the convent gramophone. Sadly Brunhildr is no match for the mighty Thor that is Mother Prioress.
Ja, vi elsker dette landet!