
Bespoke Clerical Millinery for the Discerning Clergyman

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Something just that little bit recherche

Well, it HAS been a while hasn't it? Fear not the machines are whirring here at DB Towers. 

Mother Prioress has the nuns on full tilt and has only had just enough time to cast her utter, absolute and final  disapproval on the following offering:

This is the very fine Dr David Basckin of South Africa, wearing our A-Team confection previously shown snapped on the shop floor. Not a priest, Dr Basckin is in fact a Naturalist and is here shown sporting the Camo-Ambrosian and engaging with some distant Rara Avis. We couldn't think of a better use, to be honest.

Dear reader, caution would be wise in offering your own suggestions for this fine hat. After its production one of the younger nuns was caught whistling Onward Christian Soldiers (in her bath chair) and Mother Prioress had to be physically restrained.  

A whole run of new fun hats is coming soon. Watch this space. 


  1. Hooray! Domus Birettarum is alive again!

  2. The camoflage biretta is very suitable for an army chaplain in Choir dress, who is on manoeuvres.

  3. And it should be worn at all times, when on manoeuvres, in place of a beret.

  4. Matching Camo face cream may be added, at choice.

  5. A purple tuft may be added for a protonotary apostolic.

  6. Or a camouflaged tuft for Health & Safety.

  7. Or, better still, wear a crash helmet.

  8. A crash helmet with pom-pom, thank you; with silk lining of colour appropriate to rank.
